To all of those who rock the datacenter…

I started this site as a means to share experience about making and keeping IT systems working and moving those we work with forward. My hope is that you find something that will be useful, and if so, please let me know.

I’ve been coding since 1985, worked in IT since 1994, made a datacenter run since 2007, and been addicted to video games since 1982. My education is in computer science, mathematics, and business administration. I’ve served with some of the finest United States Marines, spent over 20 years supporting my local community college, Antelope Valley College, had a hand working with a few startups, and teach part-time for California State University, Bakersfield. I do networking, compute, storage, coding, and make all the above play nice in my sandbox. And I love every minute of it.

Welcome to my world. And thanks.